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Friday, December 26

Traditional shopping on the 26th!

Hello guys!

Today was a good day. I think it is important for you if you just say and notice the simples things. Like then you have a good day. Usually it is the bad days you remember and that is no fun! So that's why I wanted to start my blogpost that way today! 

So why was it a good day? well nothing special happend really I only when shopping with my mom and dad. Just a nice way to spend the christmas hoildays.

Usually we don't go shopping on the 26t-28th because that is a "super sale time" here in Sweden called "mellandagsrea". Almost all the stores have quite big sales going on after christmas so there is A LOT of people out shopping. It was acutally my first time going shopping during this sale so I was expecting it to be more people or harder to deal with but is wasn't that bad. Maybe living in Tokyo for one year with a population of 9 million people makes you more crowed tolerant.

I found a lot of good things for a nice price! I love shoes so of caouse I got 3 new pair! I also bought some jewerly for new years. On christmas I got a H&M gift card from my borther so I bought a nice black and white rose printed dress, a new black hat and a big cozy cardigan! happy〜


After all the shopping and eating more christmas food for dinner, me and my dad watched The Hobbit 2 at home! Was really awesome one!


So, yeah my day really was a good one! Hope you had a good day to!


〜Living the dream〜 

Wednesday, December 24

Christmas day!

Hi! I'm now at the end of my christmas day. It was an amazing day and I had the best time!


Now I'm ending my christmas day the best way, with a cup of tea. The best thing before going to bed!
I'm super glad for all the presents and it was just perfect! The food was amazing as always and feel like I will be rolling around (cause=eating to much) for the next few days!


Tomorrows plans is still not decided but a lazy moring followed with some shopping and maybe going out later at night is a good looking plan for me! But not leavning the house at all also sounds good... so let's she how the mood is tomorrow!


Just to mention some of my presents I got a gift card at H&M, curling iron, mango shower gel from body shop, money, clothing and so much more!

But above all I have been enjoying and treasuring this amazing time I got to spend with my family. Every moment is precious!


I hope you had an amazing Chritmas with your loved ones and treasured it all!


Here is some picutres form my lovely christmas day! 








〜Living the dream〜

Tuesday, December 23

The night before Christmas

Hi!! Tomorrow is the day!!! OMG!! Love it!

After two long workdays I can finaly relax a bit this evening!

Was a long day today because I had to take the late shift and after that we visited my grandfather at the hospital so we where home quite late. Then that was followed by some last minute house preparations and decorations! In other words I'm dead tired!

Even if we had alot to do we alway make sure to follow our "night before Christmas routine" which is decorating the christmas tree and after that eating a special christmas sandwich! The sandwich consist of home made bread, christmas ham och mustard! LOVE IT! One of the best Christmas foods!


But now I will go to sleep and wait for one of my favorite days of the year begin!


〜Living the dream〜

Friday, December 19

Murakami Haruki!

Starting to realize that christmas is just around the corner? I have and love it!

I had kind of a laid back friday! (the best ones) Nothing really planned so I just did some christmas decorations and wrapped some christmas presents. 

One thing that I should have done but didn't is to start spell checking my graduation essay... got it back from my advising teacher yesterday and just to avoid stressing it I should just do it! But no, of couse I didn't... Well tomorrow I will try but it is saturday and I have plans in the evening so I'm not to hopeful... I will also work on the 22, 23, 29, 30 and 2 which also takes away a lot of my time... damn it I should have started today!!

            "The decoration lighs that I put up in my room today! Sorry for the bad picture!"
Instead of doing that I should do I started to read one af the books from Murakami Haruki! The titel in swedish is "Fågeln som vrider upp världen" it is a weird but kind of interesting book! I actually "got to" borrow it (had to) from a colleage at work (40-ish year old lady). Because well, I'm famous at work for beging the "Japan girl" so eveything that is somewhat related to Japan what someone at my work encounters they have to talk to me about it. Which is fun but also a bit tiering sometimes. So what started out as a casual conversation ended up with me borrowing this book that I now feel the obligation to read. Luckily I am a reader (book person) and I do love Japan so, so far it's not that bad. As you guys probably know Murakami Haruki have become a very famous writer even in Europe and is considered to be a "modern classics " which would explain why a 40-ish lady in Sweden is reading it.. Well reading a classic makes me feel grown up and that I'm expanding the cultural part of myself...That went deep fast... Anyhow I guess it is a level up from my usual teenage romance fantasy books that I read at least.

That got longer then planned! The point is that Murakami Haruki's book is interesting if you are a reader and want to read something that is very "out of the box"/"what the f*** is happening" kind of book but that is written REALY well, then I recommend it to you!

What kind of friday do you like the best? Are you a reader? Please let me know in the comments!


〜Living the dream〜

Thursday, December 18

Christmas feelings!

Hi again!


Had some picture from last week that I wanted to share with you guys so we all can get into that lovely christmas feelings! I really need to because I totally love christmas! Yep, I'm one of those annoying "christmas lovers" so just bare with me please. 


My family has many traditions around christmas and two of them. The first is going to "Jul på Liseberg" which is a christmas market inside an amusement park. It's sooooo beautiful! All the things you can buy there and all the christmas decorations just makes it a perfect place to visit around Christmas here in Gothenburg


This year it was me, mom, dad, my brother and his girlfriend! (nope not jealous at all ) Had a super cozy time even if it rained a bit as it does EVERYDAY, so getting sick of rain. GIVE ME SNOW PLEASE!! 

Well, just have to wait...

The other tradition is that me, my dad and brother bakes something called "pepparkakor" think it is called gingerbread in english? it's super easy and fun to make and absolutely a most-have at "fika" around christmas in Sweden!

This year even my cat felt like joining us in the baking/eating. Was really funny! Even if he was in the way ALL THE TIME and everyone was stumbling over him again and again.


So, dose your family have any christmas traditions? If so, comment and let me know about it!



〜Living the dream〜

Weekend in Germany, Heidelberg!

Hi Guys!

Can't believe that it is christmas next week already! Talk about December just rushing past me! It has been stressful but also a lot of fun to. I wanted to upload a blogpost earlier but just didn't have the time. 

But now to the topic! In the beginning of December me, Lina and Sara went on a weekend trip (4th to 7th) to Heidelberg in Germany to visit Max, Marlon, Lilli and Thuy! It was absolutely the best weekend I have had since Japan. I had so much fun and made great memories! I got both sightseeing at two castles, christmas market, a lot of good food and of course drinking german beer! Have to say, it was as good as can be expected! We also got to do some shopping! Heidelberg is a super cozy city! Really loved it there! Have to say that Japan really made me realize how much I love traveling in general. It was pure happiness that weekend and I felt so alive! Amazing is the word! 

Next time it is the german guys turn to visit Sweden, gothenburg! Maybe in the summer of 2015. Can't wait! Want them to come here now! But I guess you can't get everything you want... so I will try to be patient.

Hope you guys don't stress to much. My tip is just relax and enjoy the christmas holidays! I know I will try to! 


Here is some more pictures form that weekend! 

〜Living the dream〜

Friday, November 28

Korean beauty product

Hi again!

one more post on the same evening?! I'm on a roll!

This one is a shorty. Going to be the first of its kind here on my blog, but I wanted to show you guys one of the beauty products that I bought when I was in the "land of beauty" (korea of couse). The product is from skin food and it's their "facial wash of mask" called rice mask. 


I don't really remember the price but it was average, I think. I really liked this one, leaves you face feeling super smooth and fresh! But due to that you are supposed to massage it in to your face for 10-15 minutes I haven't used it much...to lazy. Come on, 15 minutes takes forever... but I guess in the land of beauty you have time to do that. Well, I think the fact that when you massage for that long it will increase you blood circulation and hence better your skin. I think that also contributs to the effect of smoothness after its use. Eighter way, if you invest the time you will get a great result! (need to do this more often). 


After a while the cream start to feel like a moisturizer which is a really nice effect. So if you have time I would recommend this "rice mask" from Skin food!

Can also add that all the facial massage made me very tired. Maybe it's a good routine before bedtime! Will definitely try to get it in to my evening facial routine!

Do you guys have a favorite facial product of any sort? If so, tell me your recommendations!

Sleep tight everyone <3 

~Livning the dream~ 

Busy busy to no end ~ Becoming a city girl

Hi there!

Long time no see!

As you can tell by the headline of this post, I've been quite busy for a while. Isn't easy to juggle a graduation essay, work and to have a social life. Not to speak of the "busyness" that comes with the approach of christmas. Well, I for one LOVE christmas and looking forward to it a lot! Just want to ignore all the "have to's " and just embrace christmas and all its wonders!

So now after 2 long days of work and before that 3 days of studying, I'm taking a break here  on the sofa and just relaxing!  

So, belive it or not, but for this post I will actually have a "theme"! and that is... 
Me becoming a city girl. 


I don't know, maybe some of you get a bad accosiation of the word "city girl". Like getting a bad attitude or something like that? but that is not what I'm thinking of when I say that I have become a city girl, nor that I think being a country girl/person is something bad. it's just that after living in tokyo for one year the city kind of grew on me... big time! (just have to add, that I from the beginning I didn't think I would like tokyo, that it would be way to big and scary for me. Turn out I was wrong!) There is something about tokyo that just gives me energy and makes me happy some how. It's so alive if you compare it to my home town here in Sweden. Here it is quite, ordenary, "boring" and it feels like I have seen it all. Of course it is also calming and a luxury to have so much beautiful nature all around you, it just that I grew out of it. I want the living puls of the city, get suprised when I walk out the door and opportunities and variations that you can see and experience in a city such as Tokyo. Just the small things that is so easy in a city for an example; to take a coffe and study at a cafe, can become a big "trip" when you live in a smaller town. if I want to go to a bigger cafe then I have to travel for 40 minuts... yeah... kind of tiring. I learn how to find your way around by doing this horribly scary thing called "ask for the way" an alike, I discovered my love from fashion and shopping, the wonder of strabucks late, fell in love with a city night view and the list goes on. I feel like living in a city challenges me to discover new things, and who can't love that, right?

So, are you a city or country girl/person? if you don't know, what do you think you are? Can always turn out differently then you except, that's the fun of life! Let me know what you think!


~Living the dream~

Sunday, November 2

Let's dive into the deepness of autumn!


So, now it's already autumn and 2 months since I got back from Tokyo. Have to admit that time flies by fast as they say. But nothing is gained by only looking back so I will keep on going forward with a smile. Hope to begin tomorrow when my long "self study time" begins. Time to really get work done with my graduating essay. It feels hard but also at least a bit exciting. Think I will try to write at least one page tomorrow and see how it goes.


To make autumn feel a bit bringter I gave my self a eary christmas present in form of an IPad Air! Have to say that I love it, just so handy and easy to use. Perfect to bring to school for work and also watch anime and drama. What more can I ask. Talking about anime, haven't really watch much at all the last year. Only a bit of naruto. But today I rediscoverd my love for it and started to watch 2 new series that I would recommend for girls liking anime. The first one is a love/drama and is namen "Wolf girl and black prince", reallt funny and has the bad guy typ that I like so... The other one is a fantasy one called " Hiiro no Kakera" and it's about a girl with some powers being protected by some guys. Maybe not my favorite genre (harem) but love the magic part so just couldn't stop watching.


Another thing I did today except from helping my mother cleaning the house and watching anime I played badminton with my dad in the moring. The frist time I played with my dad and it was soooooo funny! we where pretty evently matched so was a though match but after some struggling I came out as the winner! Not that it is important who wins just wanted to brag a little bit.


Ah, right. Halloween was awesome! Had a great time with friend and dressing put is always funny! bought some scary contact lenses, so made the outfit! My friends were just super gorgeous and awesome, couldn't been a better halloween!


Well, let's end it here today! More updates will come! I will also try to write about something more "meaningfull" when just my every day life.

So, until next time!

Ps: Didn't have any good pictures so will just show you guys some of the awesome pictures I now have as backround for my Ipad and Iphone! It's from the must-have-app "Coola bakgrunder HD", if you don't have it, get it now!

~Living the dream~