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Tuesday, March 29

Happy Easter!

Hi again!
Sorry, I know it's a bit late but Happy Easter or Glad Påsk as we would say here in Sweden! 


Mine was a relaxing one. I was just chilling at home with my family! My brother was home and we talked a lot about him finally getting full time employment and he is already looking for a new apartment of his own. Now he is sharing an apartment with a friend so he really want his own place. But he actually wants a house more then an apartment! My brother sure is growing up! Talk about being different, I surely don't want a house yet! Haha! 


We also went to my grandparents house for a coffe break (Fika!), my grandparents was really happy and energetic which was so fun to see because the last 2 year have been filled with sickness and other sad stuff as they get older. So happy to see them back to normal again!  One problem though... I haven't told them about me going back to Japan yet. Mom don't want me to worry them just yet, maybe in a month or so I will have to tell them. Sadly my grandmother dosen't like it because she thinks is scary that I'm so far away from them and what not.. Well, that is something I just have to accept and try to deal with the best I can. 


Easter dinner was a delicious as always, moms food is the best! 

I used the free time to clean and throw away old stuff from my room, also went for a run again, (my second time by myself) and it went better then last time! So funny to see an improvement already! 

On Sunday I went to the a museum here in Gothenburg with a friend, we had so much fun talking about what all the different animals where called in English, Swedish and Japanese! Before we realized it we had been walking around in the museum for almost 3 hours! Time sure flies when you're having fun! 

Today I went to a clinic an got a vaccine, the last one I need before Japan.  One thing I can cross off my list of things I have to do before going back to Japan! It's getting closer and closer, I can feel it! 


Now I will study a bit and drinking coffe before meeting up with a friend for lots of needed girl talk! 

Hope your day is going great! 

〜Living the dream〜

Friday, March 25

Waffle day!

Today is the waffle day here in Sweden! I love waffles! There is no better way to celebrate than to eat mom's waffles with the whole family! 


Today my brother came home and we had an really nice time eating mom's waffles and talking for over one hour! Love these times when we just talk, talk and talk and time just seems to be flying by. Today we talked about all the times me and my brother got hurt as kids, not big things and maybe not the most fun memories but memories non the less from our childhood. It's also fun to talk about it as "adults", fun to hear what my parents thought at the time and so on, really fun! 


Anyhow, the waffles was amazing and the talk as so much fun! Tomorrow is easter celebration here in Sweden so my brother will be staying until tomorrow, so lot of fun this weekend!

Tonight I will also go to a party at my childhood friends house to celebrate her 23th birthday! It's been a while since we all gathered and just had a great time so it going to be so much fun! 
Dinner and drinks with the best! 

Hope your Friday is going great, and if you can, why not take som time and eat tasty waffles! 

〜Livning the dream〜

Tuesday, March 22

A beautiful day!

Hi again!

Today was a beautiful day. The weather was perfect and I had a great afternoon with one of my best friends Jenny! We went for a run together with her super cute and energetic dog Shakira (Kira). The scenery where Jenny lives is amazing! Days like this I actually do see the charm in living in the country side. There may not be a lot of thing to do, but if you look closely you are sure to find hidden treasures. And today this afternoon with Jenny was one of those. Making great memories doing everyday things is what I like the most! 

We also cooked a nice lunch together and talked a lot before I had to leave to get to one of my part time jobs as a tutor for junior high school students. 

The lesson went well, but the hardest part is to find a way to get the student to be motivated to work, it's not easy. What motivates me may not motivate the student. Everyone is a unique individual therefore the same logic regarding motivation doesn't fit all. That is definitely one thing this part time job has taught me. 


When talking k-drama my latest obsession is the still running drama called "Descendants of the sun". It's an amazing drama with a really good story line that balances drama, comedy, action and romance perfectly. It never gets boring and the chemistry between the characters is spot on! 

The male lead is played by Song Joon ki and the is a "most see actor" for sure!  

Music wise, I this time recommended you to check out a band called Royal Pirates! You can find them on Spotify! One of my favorites songs is Love toxic! 

On another note, I can't believe it's almost April! My birthday is coming up fast and I can't really say I know how to celebrate it this year or what I want or anything. This also means it's soon just 3 months until I will go back to Tokyo! Makes me so happy to know that I soon can get back to the place I call my second home. But I really need to study Japanese more! Have to review all my old books with grammar and vocabulary! But it's going okay, just need to do it even more!! 

That's all for this time! 
Easter is soon here as well, you you have a great time with your loved ones! 

〜Living the dream〜 


Wednesday, March 9

Life as usual

Hi guys!
I hope life is going great for you all!

Now we have entered Mars and after this month I'm going to officially begin my countdown to Japan! It feels so close but yet so far at the same time... Hard!

Today I have had a nice day at espresso house as usual, studying Japanese and chilling out in town! After 2 day at home and going to my part time teaching job I really needed to escape to a bigger city!
So now I feel a bit more at ease after my cup of latte!

In just a bit I will meet up with a new friend and we will play some badminton and after that we are thinking of going to "språk caféet" a place where we can speak Japanese and have a coffee break with other "Japan fans".

Today I will recommend a Japanese band to you all! They are called Radwimps. They are really good and can be found on Spotify, so seriously check them out!

That is all for today, Hope you have an awesome day!



〜living the dream〜