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Thursday, April 23

Busy busy!

Hello there!

Thursday!! Which mean soon Friday! This week has gone by sooooooo fast.

I don't know if I like this kind of weeks or not. I like having stuff to do and a week flying by is more fun then one that never seem to end, right? The only thing I don't like is that I get tired! Maybe turning 22 did have an effect... Haha let's hope not!

Anyhow, studies have been crazy this week. Seminars, group work or individual studies for the exam.. Seems never ending to me! But I can finally understand some of the things that will be in the exam. I guess you have to be happy for the small things sometimes! 


Besides studies, my second part-time job has been taking up a bit of time to. Had one lession today and I feel like we are making progress! I also got in contact with the mom to my second student and we have finally decided on a starting date, next Tuesday! I will help her daughter that is in 4th grade with math and english! Will be fun! But think I need to look up how to explain "simple" math in a good way. Like, how do you explain in a fun way that 5x8 is 40... well, let's hope I figure one out! The mom seemed super nice over the phone though , so I'm not really nervous at all, which is nice! 


Also just have to add what amazing weather we have had this week! Gothenburg is starting to bloom into spring and I LOVE IT! Finally some color! Went to Espresso House to study at Järntorget and the sakura trees there where in full bloom.. so beautiful! Think I took pictures there for more then 10 minutes.. 


 Amazing isn't it???

 Also had a super nice dinner out with L and A! Good food, amazing friends and a lot of talking. Can't ask for anything more! <3 

I also have one new tip for you guys! This time it's a tv series called "Scandal", it's absolutely amazing! Great actors, funny and interesting story! It's about Olivia pope who is a "fixer" she makes scandals disappear before it reaches the media. She worked for the president and stuff is going on there! totally recommend  this! It's also Shonda Rhimes that created the series so how can it not be great?? so, next thing you search for after reading this better be Scandal! 


 That's it for now! 


〜Living the dream〜

Sunday, April 19

Sunday chilling

Hello again!

Another Sunday has passed, mine was good. We did have a supernice breakfast together this morning, the whole family! Yes, to my surprise my brother finally got up one Sunday morning before 13 o'clock! So it was extra nice now that he joined us to!  


Today I got less studies done then I had hoped. The report took up WAY MORE time then I thought it would... hate when that happens but who doesn't, right? Besides studying I actually didn't do much else.. sounds boring right? Well, I had to so guess I should stop complaining. 
One thing I finally got around to do was to wash my yukata that I bought last summer in Japan! Just thought I should be nice to fresh it up a bit! Must been a funny sight for my neighbors to see it hanging out to dry outside at our small balcony. 

After watching Midsummer murder with my mom as we alway do on Sunday evenings. I will end the evening by watching Harry Potter 2 - The camber of secret! I'm really in to re-watching Harry Potter right now, talk about nostalgia!! To make it even better I have lit a lot of nice candles in my room and is drinking tea and eating some bits of chocolate! Can't get any better! 


That is my Sunday, how is yours? Feel free to tell me in the comments! 


〜Livning the dream〜



Saturday, April 18

Decisions made and April updates!

Hi guys!

This will just be a short update! I will start off by saying that I have been thinking of doing a new Youtube video for a while now but I never seen to get to it! Hate it... feel really bad about it because I definitely  WANT to make youtube videos regularly. Just you know, you get home and take a shower and then the make up is gone and so is the possibility of me making a video. Yepp, you see the dilemma right?

Anyway, I finally have made a decision on what I will do after this summer! As you may know by now, I will get my bachelors of arts degree (major in Japanese laguage) after this summer so technically I'm done with school! Yeah, if that only were true... Sadly I don't think I can get a decent job with only a language  degree. So, I will need to study something more. BUT, I do not have the energy or inspiration do to that this autumn. Oh no. So, to the point. After this summer I will focus on working as much as possible so that I next spring can take all that money and go backpacking in Japan for 3 months! It's something that I really really really want to do, and therefore I WILL do it!! Get happy just thinking about it. So that is my next goal I'm working towards! Feel free to cheer me on〜
                                                              〜 Todays dessert〜       

Next, the update part!
Lately I had a bit to much of "party-only-no-study" kind of lifestyle which I don't like. Well, I'm a girl that do like to party but maybe not to this extent. So this week I have got back to "life style" more of my liking. Party on some days but mostly take it easy, study, chill with friends, work and sleep a lot.

This month also is a "where did all the money go?!" kind of month. Not funny at all. But guess that's what happens when you party AND tend to go shopping a lot. Even if I then should work more I don't have time because of all the seminars we have right now.. exams and essays to be done and so on...

Well, just keep at it I guess!


Got alot of amazing presents yesterday form my lovely friends! Will show some of it in this picture!
Tonight I have been trying out the new nail polish I got from M, so lovely! The colour is called south beach and I like the summer feeling it has and he chocolate was delicious of course! I also got Body butter from the body shop, absolutely love it! It's one of the limited editions called Smokey poppy,  it has a very different smell but it just keep on growing on me, have been going around sniffing my arms since I applied it after the shower!

Tonight I also discovered a new youtube channel - Meghan Rienks. She is a everyday fashion, clothes, make up and a lot more kind of Youtuber BUT what I love the most is that she isn't afraid of showing herself without make up! At first you think she is just a beautiful perfect girl but then you get to see her in messy hair, pajamas and no make up! Plus she is hilarious. What can go wrong?! Totally recommend you to check her out!

Peace out and goodnight!

〜Living the dream〜

Easter holidays and birthday!


Drinking this delicious "easter late" right now, doen't look amazing?!! (and full of calories... good thing I will go the gym after this) 


Now the easter hoilday is over! Since I didn't celebrate it last year I enjoyed it at bit extra this year! Also my birthday happened to be in the middle of the easter holiday this time so it was a lot happening at the same time. But fun it was non the less! 

Easter in my family is simple. We just enjoy each others company, (real family time) and eats a lot of good easter food and candy of course! We also have a small tradition that me and my brother gets one small present each! Got to love my parents! This year we got these awesome gifts! Love to get things like this! 

I also took many pictures of the food for you guys of course! what you eat on easter can vary quite a bit from family and family but in mine we eat home made meatballs, sausages, potato, "jansonssfrästelse", herring, salmon and more! 


Me and my brother also like to take nerdy pictures on holidays.. I do NOT know why.. we just love to do it! Maybe a funny way to show our sibling love for each other I guess!  


More then easter fun it was my birthday on the 5th so now I'm 22! Hard to believe, I know. But I like it! I hope I can challenge myself a lot this year to! Loved last year so planing on making the best if this year to, that's the only way to live fully for me right now.

That's it for today! 


〜Livning the dream 〜