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Tuesday, February 10

Already February?!

Hi guys! Is it just me or are 2015 staring of running?? Hard to believe that it is alread February and we are moving to lighter days with less rain! Actually, we have quite a lot of snow here in gothenburg right now and around -4 degrees. Just perfect winter weather if you ask me! I prefer this over the grey and rainy winter that we also get a lot of here in Sweden.

I thought I shoud update you guy a little, recently (or as always) I have been busy. The new cours inbusiness  economics is not to hard but takes up a lot of time. Also I have been quite social and made many new amazing friend and so with that many activites and late eveings follow. Mostly it has been pub nights and sports events. Super fun but makes you tired. Also i'm a bit behind with the studying, have an exam on the 18th that need studying for.. and next Wednesday I have a presentation for the group report me and my group handed in today.. just to keep on working hard to get it all done!

After that exam I have finished 25% of my "last" cours.. can't believe that I will graduation this summer. Or at least get by first bachelors degree.. Talking about that! Can't say I have gotten that much further with "what will I do after summer ends?" question yet.. But I have made an attemp at "level up" at my part time work. I'm trying to get the summer job at the "offices for japanese trade" instead of working as a factory worker. But It's qute a slim chance that I get the job, don't really have the qualifications so i'm relying on standing out with my japanese degree and charm! Already talked to the section boss to make him remember me.. let's se if this tactics work or not! better then doing nothing at least.

But I do know that I want to return to japan. I seriously have more "home sickness" now for japan then I had when IN Japan... Don't get me wrong, I love sweden and it will always be my home where my family and friends is. and they are super important to me! BUT, somehow.. I as a person feel more alive in Japan. It just feels as I should be there. At least for now. Can't say that this will be the case after 5 years, but all I can do is go on my feeling of the me today, and she has to go back. So, recently I have tried to figurate out how to do that. There is a lof of options so I just need to decide which one is the best. It's a complicated matter for me, becasue I can also see a "future" here in Sweden that I also want in a sense... feel like I have 2 part of me that want 2 different kinds of lives.. really hard to decied then I can tell you!!

Well enoguh of me ranting about all my confusing thoughts! Maybe next time I will have a more of a decided topic to talk about!

Until next time!

〜Living the dream〜

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